Friday, March 29, 2013

Wartime letters assignment

Dear boyfriend,

I've been missing you a lot lately. When I volunteered as a nurse for the war, I expected to see rough things, but I definitely didn't expect to see what really is going on. I need you by my side, and I know that you are going through a hard time fighting the war yourself so please take care because I can't even bear the thought of losing you too. 
Everyday I get to see awful things, more wounded soldiers, more death and suffering and I honestly don't think i can't do it anymore. The only thing holding me together is the though of the war ending and you and I finally getting back together and living the life we always planned to have. 
I'm staying here even though it is really hard because I know that they need me and I refuse to let people suffer even more just because I'm weak. No. I will get through this and I will help as many as I can because I know that's what our country needs and because you are also doing everything you can for the country and for me.
I love you so much and I can't wait to see you again, please please take good care of yourself and write often because your letters are the only thing that brings me joy these days.
Forever yours, 
Maria Jose.

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